
CoreEraser’s functionality is divided into Quick Erase, Full Erase and MIL Erase. The first option is most useful when speed is important. Full Erase is more thorough, and MIL Erase offers overwriting features that ensure data is scrubbed from the drive.

Apacer’s CoreEraser Technology provides highly comprehensive drive sanitization measures, developed to securely and thoroughly erase data in operating blocks. The CoreEraser comes in three types of block sanitizations and can be implemented through a software command or hardware architecture.

Quick Erase: Erases the MBR and FAT table that serves as a data allocation and mapping link in the user block immediately after activation. Once the erase command is completed, all the erased data becomes irretraceable.

Full Erase: Full Erase is a more comprehensive function than Quick Erase, where all contents of the user blocks, free blocks, MBR and FAT table are erased after the procedures are completed. The drive will be reinitialized upon the completion of the erase action. The device will behave as a raw disk and cells in the drive will display “FF” or “00”.

MIL Erase: The Military Erase standards were originally created by different branches of the US armed forces. Each branch has its own specification for what constitutes an erased device. Generally speaking, the military erase standards involve erasing the device in question and then performing multiple overwrites using garbage data.

Mil Erase supports a variety of MIL erase standards:


NSA 9-12
> DoD 5220.22-M
> NSA Manual 130-2
> USA-Army 380-19
> USA Navy NAVSO P-5239-26
> NISPOMSUP Chap 8, Sect. 8-501
> IREC (IRIG) 106